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Lamborghini - Huracan Sterrato Concept: the natural born rebel


As the debut nears of the first all-terrain super sports car, Lamborghini recounts the genesis of the project.

Sant'Agata Bolognese - 22 November 2022

Heading towards the first Lamborghini super sports 'all terrain' unveiling at Art Basel in Miami Beach, Automobili Lamborghini celebrates the Huracan Sterrato concept car, presented in 2019 and used as the style and technical base for the vehicle that arrives on the market in 2023. Conceived, designed and engineered to explore any terrain, the Sterrato is the forerunner of Lamborghini's 'Driving Humans Beyond' concept: visionary working towards new horizons and inspiring new generations of super sports car enthusiasts.

"lt ail started from one of the first Huracân protypes, chassis number 53," said Maurizio Reggiani, Lamborghini Motorsport Vice President and former CT0 during the Sterrato concept's development. "My team worked on that car to create a laboratory on wheels, installing off-road solutions with a higher ground clearance. The first time had the chance to drive it I immediately realized how much fun this unexpected super sports concept could be. After we built and developed a full prototype our management board was also convinced by the idea thanks to the emotions the car conjured. After ail, the car was barn on the Strada Bianca of Nardà, which is for Lamborghini off-track development what the Nürburgring 'Green Hel/' is for racing."

"The Sterrato is one of the projects closest to my heart," comments Rouven Mohr, Automobili Lamborghini Chief Technical 0fficer. "lt started back during my first professional experience at Lamborghini as head of vehicle development. We were testing at Nardà on the 'Strada Bianca' and some of us had the idea of also driving an old and modified Huracân on this dirt track. ln the evening, following the first test, I was having dinner with Maurizio Reggiani and Mitja Borkert and we elaborated on the idea of creating a car halfway between the Huracân and the Urus. The goal was not so much to create an off-road vehicle but rather an unprecedented super sports car for ail surf ace conditions. So we then built the prototype, a truly incredible car: a lot of fun to drive on dirt roads and with a true rai/y set-up. Now, l'm proud to see the birth of the definitive version, which wi/1 also make our customers very happy."

The 2019 Huracan Sterrato concept combined the power of the V10 5.2 1 engine, with the versatility of a car designed to guarantee maximum driving fun beyond the asphalt. The exterior made clear the Sterrato's adventurous spirit, combined with the typical characteristics of a super sports car. Ground clearance was increased and the approach and departure angle improved. The track width was increased on bath axles: wide-walled tires sat inside wider wheel arches with integrated air intakes, all of which contributed to the car's commanding and adventurous stance.

"Designing the Huracân Sterrato concept was fun from the first moment: it gave us a unique opportunity to push boundaries in a new way, translating our design DNA in unexpected proportions," said Mitja Borkert, Lamborghini Head of Design. "Internai/y we were able to realize this concept and demonstrate not on/y how cool and brave the idea was, but its potential for production. Our stated aim was to design something distinct/y different, for active, sporty people who are fun seekers and want to drive the world even beyond roads and race circuits. The final Sterrato is definitively a Lamborghini, just as the concept was from the very first glance, white at the same time propelling Lamborghini into a unique new territory."
